Autosure Insurance Limited is the underwriter of insurance policies for Autosure and Greenwich Life Insurance.
We also underwrite mechanical breakdown, payment protection and guaranteed asset protection insurance policies for Avanti Finance, Enterprise Motor Group, Ford Protect, Simplify and SsangYong. And mechanical breakdown insurance policies for the AA, Coventry Cars, Paul Kelly Motor Company and Simplify.
Complaints Process
Our complaints process aims to address your concerns. We are committed to resolving all complaints quickly, respectfully and in good faith. If you have a complaint please let us know as soon as you can by following these steps:
- Contact us on 0800 267 873, email or complete our Customer Complaints Form.
- We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days and let you know the contact details of the person handling your complaint. Once we have all the information we need, we will respond to your complaint within 10 working days.
- If we are unable to resolve your matter to your satisfaction, at your request, we will escalate your complaint for review to our internal Complaints Handling Officer. We will keep you updated on progress at least once every 20 working days, or agree another time frame with you. If we are unable to resolve your complaint within two months, we will offer you a letter of deadlock to confirm you have come to the end of our internal complaints process.
- If you are dissatisfied with the outcome reached by our internal complaints handling process, you may take your complaint to the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO). The IFSO Scheme resolves complaints about insurance and financial services, and we will follow any decision made by the IFSO. This is an independent scheme that’s free of charge to you (find out more at You can refer your complaint to the IFSO if:
- You have a letter of deadlock from us (that is less than three months old); or
- More than two months have passed since you first made your complaint and you no longer wish to work with us to resolve your complaint.
You can contact the IFSO at:
The Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman
PO Box 10845, Wellington 6143
0800 888 202
The Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman
PO Box 10845, Wellington 6143
0800 888 202

Financial Mentor Enquiries
For all financial mentor enquiries please email